HYPOX 1 campaign

Campaign position on map

The design of the benthic observatory GMM that was deployed in Katakolo Bay detects dissolved gases (oxygen, methane, sulfide) with commercially available sensors and additionally records key physicochemical factors (temperature, pressure, conductivity). The GMM observatory successfully performed a long term (22 Sep. to 31 Dec. 2010) monitoring of oxygen in a methane seepage site.

The main objective of the work was to investigate characteristics and temporal evolution of hypoxia occurrence and the role of the respective drivers of oxygen depletion (geographic and oceanographic conditions, anthropogenic forcing, and gas seepage). To investigate the role of gas seepage as a driver of oxygen depletion in more detail, the benthic observatory GMM (Gas Monitoring Module) was deployed for four months in Katakolo Bay.

technical reference Giuditta Marinaro (INGV)
project HYPOX
period September 22, 2010 - December 31, 2010
observatory GMM
coordinates 37.6449 N, 21.3198 E (WGS84)
depth 6.5 m
orientation -
METADATA id instrument type instrument model sampling rate dataset
RAW data no QC data 60 CTD SBE 37-SI 1 sample / min -
RAW data no QC data 65 Current meter FSI 3D-ACM 2 Hz plot
RAW data no QC data 63 H2S meter AMT H2S microsensor 1 sample / 5 sec -
RAW data no QC data 61 Methane meter Franatech METS 1 sample / 5 sec -
RAW data no QC data 62 Methane meter Franatech METS 1 sample / 5 sec -
RAW data no QC data 66 Oxygen meter AADI Optode 3830 1 sample / min -
RAW data no QC data 64 Turbidity meter ECO-BB(RT)D 6000m 1 sample / 5 sec plot
xml DIF
catalogues NASA GCMD
moist identifier moist.hypox.ionian_sea_lagoons_and_embayments.hypox.2010
citation Marinaro, Giuditta. (2010). HYPOX 1 campaign using INGV/GMM seafloor platform during HYPOX project in Ionian Sea lagoons and embayments site (Greek), part of HYPOX network.